# Widget Inheritance

In some situations it may be convenient to have multiple ezFlap widgets extend a base widget.

For example, we may have a wizard with multiple steps, where each step has its own widget, but all steps share certain functionality, like props, computed, bound fields, initialization logic, etc.

ezFlap widgets can extend abstract ezFlap widgets.

When an ezFlap widgets extend an abstract ezFlap widgets - it inherits all of its ezFlap functionalities (e.g. props, etc.) - as if they were its own, except for the parent's ZML and ZSS.

The ZML of the child widget will be embedded in the ZML of its parent, using the <ZInheritingWidget> tag.

For example, consider the following parent widget:


In the example above, the ParentWidget widget:

  • Has a ParentWidgetState class, but no associated ParentWidget class.
  • Is abstract.
  • Has the <ZInheritingWidget> tag as a placeholder for where the ZML of the widgets extending it should be injected.
  • Has props and a computed that are accessible to widgets that extend it.


ezFlap generates code for the props, computed, and other ezFlap functionalities without an underscore prefix in order to make them available to extending widgets.

The ZSS of a parent widget is applied only to the ZML of the parent.


The ZSS applied to a parent widget is not (automatically) applied to ZML of children widgets.

To apply it, reference the ZML in @EzWidget or move it to a ZSS file. See more information in ZSS.

A child widget can look like this:


In the example above, the Step1Widget widget:

  • Has both State class (i.e. Step1WidgetState) and an associated Step1Widget class, like "regular" ezFlap widgets.
  • Passes the class of the widget it extends to the @EzWidget annotation, in the extend parameter.
  • Inherits all of its parent's props, and adds a subtitle prop of its own.
  • Overrides hookInitState(), and in it - calls super.hookInitState() to give its parent a chance to initialize first.

A couple more wizard steps can look like this:




These three step widgets can be used in a wizard widget, like this:


It is possible to have multiple levels of inheritance.

For example, if we wanted to have a MiddleWidget between ParentWidget and a new Step4Widget, then we could implement them like this:

# MiddleWidget


# Step4Widget
