# Routing

# Overview

ezFlap can be used alongside any routing method.

However, if route parameters are available in Flutter's native ModalRoute (i.e. in ModalRoute.of(this.context).settings.arguments) - then ezFlap's @EzRouteParam annotation can be used to easily access them.

# Route Params

Route params are fields that are prefixed with the @EzRouteParam annotation.

For example, consider the following navigation code:


Then, in an ezFlap widget that renders in the animal-profile route, we can use @EzRouteParam to access the arguments:


In the above example, the animalId and animalName route params are initialized automatically by ezFlap.

They can be accessed in the ZML using their Assigned Names, and in the code, using their Derived Names.

# Conventions

Strongly-recommended conventions that may become mandatory in a future version:

  • The route param's Assigned Name (the name provided as parameter to the @EzRouteParam annotation) should be in camelCase.
  • The route param's name should begin with _$route_, followed by the Assigned Name.

Optional suggested conventions:

  • Place the @EzRouteParam annotation at the same line as the declaration.
  • Add a // --> this._route_<Assigned Name> comment at the end of every route param field declaration.
  • Use Live Templates to generate route param declarations quickly and consistently, and without having to remember the syntax.

# Default Values

Route params can be assigned default values that would be used if arguments in their names are not found in ModelRoute.

# Example
